Get digital support when you need it
New feature alert
We've added a voicebot to our helpline. When you call, simply chat with the voicebot about what you need, and it'll guide you to the right support.
24/7 support
Our chatbot and voicebot save you time by answering your questions and providing round-the-clock assistance. If they can't help you'll be connected with one of our friendly agents.
Personalised support
Our chatbot and voicebot are designed to tackle your questions and provide quick, personalised help whenever you need it
How does the voicebot work?
Getting started
Our voicebot will find any parcels linked to the phone number you are calling from. Just give us the last 4 digits of the parcel number when asking about a parcel, so we can find the right one for you.
Your parcel deets
If it's what you need, the voicebot will provide you with your parcel status info and it offers pick-up code renewal for parcels at lockers and shops
Any other queries
For non-parcel queries, the voicebot can offer handy FAQs - but if they don't cut it, you can be transferred to an agent at any time
Keep up with us
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